浏览量: 次 发布日期:2024-03-03 01:15:09
Oracle is oe of he mos popular daabase maageme sysems used by orgaizaios worldwide. I provides various feaures o maage ad secure he daa sored i he daabase. However, i some scearios, daa ca ge deleed accideally, which ca lead o sigifica problems for users. I his aricle, we will discuss how o recover a deleed able i Oracle.。
Recoverig a Deleed Table i Oracle
Oracle provides he Flashback feaure, which ca be used o recover a deleed able. Flashback echology provides a way o view ad recover daa ha has bee deleed or updaed i he daabase. The followig seps ca be followed o recover a deleed able i Oracle:。
Sep 1: Check he Recycle Bi
Oracle auomaically moves deleed ables o he Recycle Bi, which ca be checked o recover he deleed able. To check he Recycle Bi, execue he followig commad:。
This commad will lis all he deleed ables i he Recycle Bi. If he deleed able is prese i he Recycle Bi, i ca be resored usig he followig commad:。
This commad will resore he able o is origial sae before i was deleed.。
Sep 2: Usig he Flashback Query
If he deleed able is o prese i he Recycle Bi, he Flashback Query ca be used o recover he deleed able. The Flashback Query eables users o view he daa as i exised a a specific poi i ime. The followig commad ca be used o recover he deleed able:。
SELECT FROM able_ame AS OF TIMESTAMP sysdae-1/24;
This commad will show he daa i he able as i exised oe hour before he curre ime. The imesamp ca be adjused as per he requireme.。
Recoverig a deleed able i Oracle ca be a criical ask for daabase admiisraors. Oracle provides various feaures o recover deleed daa, icludig he Recycle Bi ad he Flashback Query. These feaures ca help users recover he deleed able wih ease. I is recommeded o ake regular backups of he daabase o avoid ay daa loss scearios.。
Oracle, daabase, recovery, Flashback, Recycle Bi, daa loss, backups。