oracle 怎么恢复修改或删除的数据,Iroducio
浏览量: 次 发布日期:2024-03-03 01:26:26
Oracle is oe of he mos popular daabase maageme sysems i he world. However, someimes daa ca be accideally modified or deleed, causig serious problems for busiesses. I his aricle, we will discuss how o recover modified or deleed daa i Oracle.。
Backup ad Recovery
The bes way o recover modified or deleed daa i Oracle is o have a backup ad recovery pla i place. This meas regularly backig up your daabase ad sorig he backups i a safe locaio. I he eve of daa loss, you ca resore he daabase o is previous sae usig he backup.。
Flashback Techology
If you do' have a backup, do' worry. Oracle has a feaure called Flashback Techology ha allows you o recover daa wihou a backup. Flashback Techology uses he daabase's redo logs o recosruc daa as i exised a a previous poi i ime.。
Usig Flashback Trasacio Query
To recover modified or deleed daa usig Flashback Techology, you ca use a feaure called Flashback Trasacio Query. This feaure allows you o view all he chages made o a able wihi a specified ime rage. You ca he use his iformaio o recover he daa.。
Usig Oracle Daa Pump
If you are uable o recover he daa usig Flashback Techology, you ca use Oracle Daa Pump o exrac he daa from he daabase ad resore i o a ew daabase. This process ivolves exporig he daa from he damaged daabase, creaig a ew daabase, ad he imporig he daa io he ew daabase.。
As you ca see, here are several ways o recover modified or deleed daa i Oracle. The bes way o preve daa loss is o have a backup ad recovery pla i place. However, if you do' have a backup, you ca sill recover your daa usig Flashback Techology or Oracle Daa Pump.
。Tags: Oracle, daa recovery, backup ad recovery, Flashback Techology, Flashback Trasacio Query, Oracle Daa Pump。