浏览量: 次 发布日期:2024-03-03 01:36:46
Oracle is oe of he mos widely used daabases i he world. I is kow for is performace, scalabiliy, ad reliabiliy. However, oe of he challeges ha daabase admiisraors face is daa loss. This ca happe due o various reasos such as accideal deleio, hardware failure, or sofware corrupio. I his aricle, we will discuss how o recover deleed daa i Oracle.。
Udersadig he Oracle recycle bi
Before we dive io he recovery process, i is impora o udersad he Oracle recycle bi. The recycle bi is a feaure iroduced i Oracle 10g ha helps i recoverig accideally deleed daa. Whe a able or a pariio is dropped, i is o immediaely removed from he daabase. Isead, i is moved o he recycle bi, where i ca be recovered laer if eeded. The recycle bi is eabled by defaul, bu you ca disable i by seig he recyclebi parameer o OFF.。
Recoverig deleed daa from he recycle bi
To recover deleed daa from he recycle bi, you eed o perform he followig seps:。
- 。
- Check if he recycle bi is eabled by ruig he followig commad: 。
- If he recycle bi is eabled, you ca lis he coes of he recycle bi by ruig he followig commad: 。
- Ideify he objec ha you wa o recover ad use he origial_ame o recover i by ruig he followig commad: 。
- The able will be recovered o is origial sae before i was dropped. You ca he reame i o is origial ame by ruig he followig commad: 。
SELECT value FROM v$parameer WHERE ame='recyclebi';
SELECT objec_ame, origial_ame, ype, dropime FROM recyclebi;
ALTER TABLE recovered_able_ame REAME TO origial_ame;
Recoverig daa wihou he recycle bi
If he recycle bi is disabled or he daa has bee purged from he recycle bi, you ca sill recover he daa usig Oracle's flashback echology. Flashback echology allows you o view ad recover daa from a specific poi i ime. To recover daa usig flashback echology, you eed o perform he followig seps:。
- 。
- Ideify he ime whe he daa was deleed. 。
- Use he flashback query feaure o view he daa as i exised before i was deleed. The syax for he flashback query is as follows: 。
- If you wa o recover he daa, you ca use he flashback able feaure. The syax for he flashback able is as follows: 。
- The able will be recovered o is sae a he specified imesamp. 。
SELECT FROM able_ame AS OF TIMESTAMP TO_TIMESTAMP('yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss');
FLASHBACK TABLE able_ame TO TIMESTAMP TO_TIMESTAMP('yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss');
Daa loss ca be a ighmare for daabase admiisraors. However, wih Oracle's recycle bi ad flashback echology, you ca recover deleed daa wih ease. I is impora o have a backup ad recovery pla i place o miimize he impac of daa loss. Wih hese ools a your disposal, you ca res assured ha your daa is safe ad recoverable.